Thursday, August 18, 2011

PACC Reviews!

Hey folks!
We got a ton of changes heading your way, so keep your eyes open!

Meanwhile, we'll present you with a review by two of our Wonderlust crew members Kat & Moony of their trip to Philadelphia's Alternative Comic Con (Aug. 14).


[click image to go to post]

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Live comix reading

On Friday, April 22nd was the School of Visual Arts Live Comix Reading, an event where brave cartooning students read aloud their own comics from a large projection screen.

At this event, students are given a chance to show off what they have been laboring over for weeks.
Several talented cartooning students from all grades presented their fantastic works.

Finishing his second year of Cartooning at the School of Visual Arts (SVA) Aodhan has shown an impressive level of artistic
talent. He never fails to present work thatappears to be at a high DC/Marvel level.

We look forward to seeing more of his work in the future!

At the last comix reading, senior cartooning major Steve Yurko read his sailor moon parody (Galaxy Girls, where guys transform into sailor scouts [link]) which was so brilliant and hilarious that he sent the whole floor laughing.
This time, interestingly enough, Steve took his cute cartoony comic and made a unique second version of it...

Filled with intense manga characters on steroids.
This kid has a way with comedy. Great Job Steve.

  • Shauna J. Grant (site)

Like the artist, O-Panda is girlie and quite adorable.

The story depicts the struggles of a sidekick named Cheergirl and how her role as a sidekick is belittled compared to a great hero like O-Panda.

Shauna is finishing her senior year at SVA.
We'll keep an eye out for more of your cute work Shauna! :D

  • Megan Brennan & Rel Finkelstein

"Papa Teach Me To!"

Is a phrase that should catch on over the interwebs. These hilarious strips are the creation of two talented senior cartooning students, starring a curious unicorn boy and his wise old papa. In each of these strips, the little unicorn boy always starts off with a question which funnily enough are questions asked by readers!

You can contribute to the strips by going to their site's "Papa Teach Me To!" section and watch your questions become a comic! (site)

Megan's own Bowling Ace is an inspiring story of a young girl working her way up in a bowling competition.

The art style is lovely as well as the
coloring. Megan is just talented!!
You go girl!

link to Megan's work
link to Riel's work

Li-Or is a talented second year cartooning major from Israel.

Like her personality, her work is very sweet and quite lovely.
By looking at her comics, you can tell right away that this lil lady aint afraid of experimenting with the brush.
Her loose brushwork is quite fitting, and very unique. And don't get us started with her prints!

Li-Or sold her work at the Toronto Comic Arts Festival this year in addition to being interviewed for the National Post (read it here:link! ). Good job girl! :D

  • Hilary Allison (link)
This social butterfly presented her current junior thesis comic based on the fairytale originated in Norway and Iceland called Tatterhood; a story about twin princesses, one ugly and the other beautiful, who grow up together as best friends.
One day, trolls/witches attacks the castle, and the pretty sister's head turns into a calf's head. The ugly sister, Tatterhood goes on a journey to retrieve her sister's head.

We don't want to ruin the story, but we must say we were really blown away by Hilary's work. The woodcut style of the comic fits the folktale quite nicely, giving it a beautiful antic look.
Be sure to read more of her comics at her site!

Our very own Wonderlustcomics crew member Kat presented her comics "Pugs on Drugs" and "Let Me Just...Argh!" for the first time at a Live Comix Reading.

"The experience was amazing, not so much when I was on stage, I was a nervous wreck, but nonetheless I can't say I didn't have loads of fun. I'll definitely do this again, and probably hire some voice actors while I'm at it..."

Kat is finishing her second year of cartooning.

  • Jennie Haemi Choung (link)

Jennie is finishing her senior year at SVA.

Her current comic series, Adventures of Geekie consist of a silly character named Geekie and her crazy antics. Very cute!

As one of Wonderlustcomics' favorite submitter, Henry presented his comics Two Monsters and The Kids With The Powers (shown above).
Finishing his senior year at SVA, Henry is a cartooning major whom never fails to present remarkable works; his inking and texture techniques are indeed wonderful. We're excited to what Henry has to offer in the future. Good luck kiddo!

P.S. He has a 102 paged graphic novel out, RayGirl.
(You can purchase copies here ! Support young cartoonists!)

So that is the end of our comic student report post.
Please be sure to check out these talented youngsters, and tell your friends all about them too!

Thanks for reading, and be on the lookout for more posts.
See ya!


Saturday, April 23, 2011

Back From The Dead

Hey there kiddies, Wonderlust here. As our fans may see, our entire layout has been changed as well as our icon. Do not fret youngsters, for our purpose is still to help aspiring artists!
(Also, we found out a way to make our gallery a whole lot easier to use, so we're now formatting the images, so please excuse our appearance!


This upcoming Friday (April 29th) is the School of Visual Arts mini comic convention also known as FRESHMEAT, taken place at
the Monkey Bar Lounge at 217 E. 23rd st.

At this event, brave cartooning and illustration kids show off their current works to the public by means of selling or even art trading their stuff. Many publishers, the press, or even fellow professional cartoonists come to FreshMeat every year, and a selected few get chosen for art reviews, honorable mentions, etc. Basically,
it's a big deal for SVA kids!

Even our own Wonderlustcomic member Kat Fajardo has a table and will be selling her comics including the Wonderlustcomics zine! She'll be sharing table 3 with the talented Yao Xiao and Christina Sciorilli!

So you should definitely come!
Bring all your family and friends too!

Facebook event:


Saturday, January 29, 2011


Hello Earthlings,
WLC will be under construction, so there won't be a new theme for next month. But if you would like you can still submit to January's theme -
Party Celebration - for the time being.

We would love to see what you can create. Don't forget it can be any form of art.
Email us if you have any questions: won
♡ WLC ♡

Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year, New Theme!

Hey there youngsters!

We hoped you all had wonderful holidays and partied like animals!!

Although the holiday celebrations are over and most of us are getting ready for another fun year of school/work, we would like to say that we ain't quite done with partying yet!

'Cause our new theme for this month so happens to be:

So get your partyin' on and make something out of this world for 2011!!

We're looking forward to what you guys create this year!

p.s. we would like to thank our very own friend Bort for making this month's poster!
(visit his site for more of his artwork at

Ok, Space pirates out!
pew pew!


Saturday, December 25, 2010

Holiday Greetings from Space!

Hey Everyone!

The Wonderlustcomics crew would like to wish you all happy holidays and thank you all for a very successful 2010. Without you guys, we would be nothing! ♡

And on a side note, we would also like to inform you guys that we will be having a table at the MoCCA comics festival which will take place in April 2011.

We're gunna have cool stuff to sell! So look out!

PLUS, we'll be posting our Wonderlust original COMICS on our blog in 2011, so look out for those too!!

Ok, Space pirates out!

pew pew!


Saturday, December 4, 2010

December theme: "Secret Fantasy"

December 2010 Theme:

Hey folks! Once again, a new month approaches which calls for a new theme at Wonderlustcomics. Y'know the drill!

This month's theme is:

So start making those art kiddies. Be as silly or detailed as you want, however we're still not accepting rated xxx images, so keep it PG, PG-13 or in your pants folks!!

So head on over to our contact page for submission guidelines!

We look forward to your creations!

p.s. kudos to this month's flyer design by our very own guest artist Nelson!! :^D